My time with you in my current position is closing. I am moving to a different position within the Ingham County Sheriff ’s Office that will require me to leave Delhi Township. I have enjoyed this position and being able to serve you, the residents and merchants of Delhi Township. Deputy Duling will be assigned to this position beginning August 18. With Deputy Duling, you have the good fortune of a deputy that grew up in the Holt community, attended the Holt Public Schools, and has spent the majority of his law enforcement career working in Delhi Township. Deputy Duling is familiar with the businesses, residents, and community leaders. You will be in very capable hands.
It was my honor to meet and serve all of you. I witnessed your struggles, hard work, and successes. It was my great pride to watch your efforts bear fruit. You have all left me with profound, cherished memories I will keep with me throughout my career and beyond. I thank you all for your kindness and patience you have shown over the years. Your actions have always shown compassion. You brought me into your lives and shared experiences with me, whether joyful or painful, that impacted you. I could have never asked for more. Thank you. I did my best to provide the attention and service you truly deserved.
Please continue to watch and report any suspicious incidents. Always feel free to contact the Delhi Division at 517.694.0045. The information we gather from you is our most valuable commodity. Please watch and protect your neighbors. Always remember, our strength is community. Again thank you, it was very much my honor to be one of your community police officers.
Please do not hesitate to contact any Delhi Division Sheriff ’s Office deputy with questions or concerns. 2045 North Cedar Street in Holt, 517.695.0045