One of the Delhi DDA’s primary missions is to promote development in Delhi Township and one of the ways it works to accomplish that mission is by purchasing blighted properties and making them suitable for redevelopment.
In some cases, rehabilitating a property may mean razing the existing structure; in others, it may require removing large volumes of contaminated soil. Sometimes, says Delhi DDA Executive Director Howard Haas, a site is so badly contaminated as to be unsuitable for redevelopment.
“That’s when we pursue other uses for the property,” he says.
The DDA is actively working with about half a dozen properties right now, Howard says. One of those is a 16-acre parcel being considered for a trailhead park that would offer access to Cedar Lake and recreational activities.
“We’re seeking state and federal grants to help with rehabilitating that property,” he says.
The Delhi DDA is at 2045 North Cedar Street, Holt, 517.699.3866, www.delhidda.com.